Monika DeBoer


Waarom is lichaamsbewuustzijn zo belangrijk?

Ik wil met je delen hoe het creëren en cultiveren van het bewustzijn van mijn lichaam de wijsheid binnenin mij ontsloot.   Tientallen jaren leven in een zeer snelle en hectische wereld, terwijl ik tegelijkertijd studeerde, hard werkte, moeder was en voor maaltijden voor het gezin en thuis zorgde, leidden ertoe dat ik me niet […]

Waarom is lichaamsbewuustzijn zo belangrijk? Read More »

winter depression

How can you recognize and prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Are you or someone you know one of the half a million people in the Netherlands who are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) every year? It is also known as winter depression or winter blues. But SAD is not “just the winter blues”! It can feel extremely serious and overwhelming for many people. HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE A SEASONAL

How can you recognize and prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Read More »

Eating healthy on a small budget.

Eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive! Read about my Top 10 Cost Saving Tips. Many people think that you have to spend a lot of money to eat healthy. However, that doesn't have to be the case. On the contrary, the costs of not-so-healthy fast food, ready-made meals and snacks can pile up quite quickly and become very expensive over time.

Eating healthy on a small budget. Read More »

Fall Seasonal Alignment Part 3 – emotional clearing and detoxing.

During autumn, the Metal Element season, it is important to look at your relationship with emotions, such as sadness and sadness. Do you keep any of those emotions unprocessed and blocked in your body? Do you feel pressure in your chest and lungs? Do you often suffer from shortness of breath, frequent colds and flu, allergies, asthma,

Fall Seasonal Alignment Part 3 – emotional clearing and detoxing. Read More »

Autumn Seasonal Alignment Part 2 – movement and breathing.

To further embrace and naturally support your transition to the autumn season, I will guide you with two new important pillars, which can be combined very beautifully together. Pillar 2. Movement in nature. It is important to spend time in nature and move your body daily.

Autumn Seasonal Alignment Part 2 – movement and breathing. Read More »

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The Magic Of Seasonal Alignment – Autumn

I love the time when the seasons change. There is something magical and creative about it. It brings transformation and fluidity, and it is a great time for new beginnings. In the past, our ancestors lived according to the seasons, both in their activity levels and in their eating habits. The ancient Chinese already believed that the seasons

The Magic Of Seasonal Alignment – Autumn Read More »

Feel lighter and clear your energy with the Nine Purification Breathing Technique

During my daily walk, in the forest or in my city, I always feel the energy around me. I feel the open, expansive, inviting and enlightening energy of nature, the cloudy sky and sun above me and the ground beneath my feet. I feel a mix of different energies of people who

Feel lighter and clear your energy with the Nine Purification Breathing Technique Read More »

Reiki - what is it and what it can do for you

Reiki is a powerful Japanese energy healing. It is the universal life energy that is always present in abundance and can be passed on through the laying on of hands. Reiki is based on the belief that an invisible life force energy flows through us and makes us alive. If one's life energy is low, we are more likely to get sick, stress

Reiki - what is it and what it can do for you Read More »